“If Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness, Then I Guess I’m Fucking the Devil”

Rachel Tanner

I can barely see my floor
for all the mess and
I haven’t washed my hair in 4 days.

I don’t know what I need but what I want
is someone to scoop up my sun-melt
by the moon-glow at times like this
when I completely lose myself.

When I lose my purpose. I want
someone to pour me into a jar
and keep me on their nightstand,
poke holes in the top so I can breathe,
and watch my gentle flicker from bed.

Rachel Tanner is a queer, disabled writer from Alabama whose work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Saw Palm, Bandit Fiction, Videodame, and elsewhere. Her chapbook “Heal My Way Home” (Nightingale & Sparrow Press) is available on Amazon. She tweets @rickit.