As the Blackbirds Sing

As the Blackbirds Sing

Come morning, a blackbird knocks at the window to the right of my alarm clock. The two machines share more than a propensity to track time. They understand needs, including mine. Both sing tunes of pleasing notes. Bonjour. Shalom. Adios. I stir. I turn. I yawn. A red...


Dear God I see you in the setting sun and see myself in these blue currents below darkening to purple as the minutes pass and think of my parents— Waikiki Beach, take me home and take everything else, too. Make my mother weep. Leaving the water with scrapes and...
Who may be listening

Who may be listening

Escape from posthumous platitudes toBe a truth they cannot denyDespite all their search forA One and OnlyPasted over and overUntil we reach some perverse word countAs long as we reach the endSince at least there is one No more worries aboutWhat comes after a rest that...
Double Exposure: Short Drives

Double Exposure: Short Drives

The day of the truck crash, someone drove me to church, A few days before the new year, I saw a fox in my arms the teddy bear the firefighters gave me, carrying a rabbit in its mouth as it crossed the asphalt it had been raining, which is why we hydroplaned your dad’s...
Up North

Up North

There’s a trail, bleached under sunlight,                           that begins by a river that cascades like snow,curved like an ellipse. The jargon of green                           and brown hues dappled beneath a layerof clear water, frogs dragged their bodies   ...


This is the easy part of the journey: our submarine still at Sunlight level, jellyfish bodies pressed flush against window glass. In this lifetime – we have just barely scratched the surface of the Atlantic, the tide vomiting us and its glories back against the...